Tip 10: Say No!

Tip 10: Say No! It is much easier said than done, but once you get used to saying No for any task outside your scope or unplanned activity, you will see how much you will be more productive and your day will be organized. Saying Yes and trying to please everyone will put you on... Continue Reading →

Tip 9: Be a Leader Not a Boss!

Tip 9: Be a Leader Not a Boss! If you are in a management role, #leadership doesn't mean bossing around and criticizing. Instead, do your best to: Encourage and motivate your team members instead of criticizing themFocus on their strengths rather than weaknesses, and try to empower other skills in themIf anything goes wrong in... Continue Reading →

Tip 8: Organize your Workspace

Tip #8: #Organize your #Workspace If you have a desk at your work, or your laptop desktop is your desk, there is a significant benefit of keeping your things in #order. Not only you can easily find what you need, but there is essential psychological benefits of organizing your workspace. A clean and organized desktop... Continue Reading →

Tip 7: Write it Down!

Tip #7: Write it Down How many times we forgot to do a #task, even if it was #important and we thought that it was unforgettable? Always #write down your ideas and tasks. Write it on a pocket notebook (very effective), or your phone, or use a task-management software. When you write down you will... Continue Reading →

Tip 6: One-Time Only

Last time I shed light on the importance of #scheduling specific time slots each day to go over received #emails. A very important #tip to be added when reading emails is the One-Time Only #read policy. If you read an email that needs a reply, don't #postpone replying to it. You will be wasting time... Continue Reading →

Tip 5: Start Early!

Tip #5: #Start Early! I agree, this is not an easy task for everyone, but once you get used to it, you wouldn't miss a day without getting up early in the morning to start with your #plans. To me, the 1 - 2 hours before and after sunrise, are the best timing to do... Continue Reading →

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